What is an Unday? Immediate responses are not infrequently, “Is that, like, night?” or “Did you say, Undead?” or, possibly my favorite, “…uh… …cool” said with the ‘I have no idea what he just said, but I must have missed something and I’ll just roll with it’ look on their faces. Sadly, as the now modern era runs, the topic quickly changes to something else and whatever insight they might have been gleaming towards has been lost among the whirlwind of being busy. Busy doing, proving, running, wanting, texting, loving, drinking, needing, having, partying, socializing, working, studying, driving, jumping, practicing, climbing, gaming, skype-ing, getting, setting, gaining, and pain-stakingly trying to fit more and more into what we consider to be the most unclear, but literal, dead-line of all. Time.
To all of us, time is precious, and therefore we spend that finite resource ourselves until we collapse. To each their own liking, and with that there are always those days where we want to say, “Nope. Not gonna happen today.” And that is what we mean. No matter what cause, no matter what avoidance, no matter what one seemingly insignificant thing (or many, many small ones) triggers your, “I’m taking a day to me” alarm, it happens. Embrace it. Stop and smell the roses, especially if you just absolutely need to do something, and you don’t have an allergy to them. Chill out. Relax. Don’t busy yourself so much on that day that you’re tired from it. That’s for vacation. Your Unday is a day to yourself, to focus, center, and reconnect.
And think of the inverse cause… Say you busied yourself so much the night before at that little bar down the street that you think your head is not only 4 sizes too small, but has an irritation to loud sounds and bright lights. The most you want to do is grab headache medication and a huge jug of water and pass back out. Congratulations! Recovery, rest and revitalization are for your Unday.
An Unday is person specific. What is for someone may not be for others. What one considers an Unday, someone else may think that same day was the busiest in their life and vice versa. Stop worrying. Let it go and breathe. Smile and laugh it away. Life is too wonderful for anyone not to stop and appreciate it. Life is too short to worry about cramming everything into one second. Life is too precious to suffer through it.
For whatever reason you need an Unday, rest, pause at your own discretion and all, hopefully, will become clear.
My favorite Unday always involves a living room blanket fort with an incomprehensible amount of pillows.